"If you can believe, all things are possible to those who believe."
- Mark 9:23
Achievers are great dreamers (but not "airy-fairey stuff").
What dreams in life would you have, if you knew you could
not possibly fail?
What particular dream would make you happiest in fulfilling?
Firstly, Have total faith: in yourself and especially in God - a
Higher Power, Supreme Being, Who cares deeply about you
and really BELIEVE God, Life, Your Creator will ultimately
ensure the outcome that's best for you (even when things
look bleak and you are stuck deep in the smelly brown stuff.
I've lived these principles (even when my dream appeared
shattered and my hope was at a very low ebb, learnt them
from experience over many years and have applied them in
every area of my personal life. I can vouch for the fact
that they DO work!